AI-Powered Report Generator

Transform your data into visually stunning, professional-looking reports in seconds. Say goodbye to spending hours crafting an effective report—let our intelligent tool do the heavy lifting for you.

Explore our AI design generator

The new way of creating reports

piktochart ai infographic background imageai report generator by piktochart ai

Redefine Your Efficiency

Prompt to report in 10 seconds

Piktochart AI delivers a ready-made report in a matter of seconds. Simply provide a brief description of your desired report, whether it’s visualizing survey results, creating a performance review, crafting a marketing overview, or analyzing healthcare data.

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Simplified Design Process

Instant creation with your own text content

Have a text-heavy report and don’t know where to start? Simply paste your text or upload your document and let Piktochart AI generate professional-looking reports that are customized for you in seconds. Piktochart AI supports PDF, DOCX, and TXT format, making it versatile for your every need.

Generate visual from document
generate reports with piktochart ai document generator

Captivate Your Audience

Professional report templates for every need

For survey reports, performance reviews, marketing overviews, or analyses, our AI report generator has you covered with a wide range of customizable templates.

Start creating
Format benefit BG 4branding features with piktochart ai report generator

Easy to Customize

Personalized report designed for you

Experience the ease of report design with Piktochart AI’s user-friendly editor. Customize your report with our extensive library of design elements, fonts, and color schemes to stay on-brand.

Start creating

Trusted by Industry Leaders



  • Visualize marketing campaign results, customer demographics, and market trends, facilitating data-driven decision-making.
  • Engaging, easy-to-understand reports for clients, showcasing campaign performance, ROI, and key marketing metrics.
  • Identify emerging trends and forecasting future market movements.
SMEs and enterprises persona

HR and Learning and Development Reports

  • Highlight progress, identify areas for improvement, and facilitate effective performance reviews.
  • Visually represent the impact and effectiveness of training programs.
  • Compile and interpret data on workforce diversity, employee satisfaction, and organizational culture.
NGOs and government persona

NGOs and Government Organizations

  • Illustrate impact on communities by showcasing progress on projects, beneficiary stories, and fund utilization, essential for donor reports and stakeholder updates.
  • Reports on donation usage, program effectiveness, and organizational financial health.
  • Analyze program data, helping to assess effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and inform future project planning and resource allocation.
business owner


  • Transform complex datasets into clear, comprehensible visuals, aiding in the presentation of research findings.
  • Easy sharing and editing of reports, essential for multi-author studies and publications.
  • Prepare reports for academic journals or conferences, aligning with publication standards.

Reports created using Piktochart’s AI-powered report generator

How to Generate AI Reports

1. Describe Your Report

Briefly describe (within 120 characters) the intent of your report. Whether it’s for visualizing a survey, performance review, marketing overview, or analysis. 

2. Choose from Our Report Templates

Select from a diverse range of professionally designed templates tailored for various industries and report types.

3. Customize Your Design in Piktochart Editor

Personalize your report by adjusting colors, fonts, and layout to match your brand or preferences. Piktochart provides an array of design elements, icons, and images to enhance the visual appeal of your report. 

4. Publish and Promote

Once you’re satisfied with the result, you can export your report in various formats like JPG, PNG, or PDF, making it easy to distribute your report to stakeholders.

AI-Powered Visualization for Any Topic

What kinds of reports can be generated using this AI tool?

Survey report

A survey report is a comprehensive analysis that distills valuable insights gathered through systematic data collection such as customer satisfaction, employee engagement, or market trends. This report type transforms raw data into actionable information to guide informed decision-making for organizations and stakeholders.

Performance review

A performance review report is a structured evaluation process that provides a holistic assessment of an individual’s professional accomplishments, skills, and contributions within a specific timeframe. This report type is crucial for professional development and aligning individual performance with organizational objectives.

Marketing overview

A marketing overview report is a concise yet comprehensive document that captures the essence of a company’s marketing performance over a specific period. This report provides a strategic snapshot, highlighting key marketing initiatives, campaign effectiveness, and performance metrics. It helps equip decision-makers with actionable insights to refine strategies, optimize budgets, and drive future marketing success.

Healthcare analysis

A healthcare analysis report is a detailed examination of critical aspects within the healthcare domain aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of trends, performance metrics, and key indicators. This report delves into various data points such as patient outcomes, resource utilization, financial efficiency, and adherence to regulatory standards.

Discover other types of documents you can generate with Piktochart AI

AI Business Plan Generator
AI Case Study Generator
AI Ebook Generator
AI Handbook Generator
AI Proposal Generator
AI White Paper Generator

Ready to use AI to create professional and engaging reports?

Join more than 11 million people who already use Piktochart to craft amazing visual stories.


Yes, you can upload your own design assets in Piktochart editor. You can also use our extensive collection of design elements and diagrams to visualize your data.

Every user can generate up to 4 reports each day. If you sign up for a free Piktochart account, you get 10 additional AI generations every month. Pro users get 100 AI generations and Business users get 300 AI generations every month. For unlimited editing capabilities and access to more advanced features, upgrading to a premium plan is worth considering.

Provide detailed descriptions of your intended report for optimal results. Experimenting with various prompts may also lead to improved results.

You are not required to sign up for a Piktochart account until you decide to edit, personalize, or download your design.