Revolutionize healthcare communication and medical infographics
Piktochart simplifies turning complex medical data into clear infographics and reports. Perfect for presenting research or patient stats, it offers customizable templates and easy-to-use tools, making healthcare communication more effective and accessible.
Try AI Infographic Generator for HealthcareOver 11 million users worldwide design with Piktochart
Healthcare professionals about Piktochart
say Piktochart helps communicate complex healthcare information more effectively
say Piktochart helps improve the healthcare provider and general public relationship
say Piktochart’s visuals help improve general understanding of healthcare topics
Medical graphics
Create health posters, medical infographics, hospital reports, and more
With a range of customizable templates, healthcare workers can quickly create professional-looking materials tailored to their specific needs. Whether it’s patient education, research presentations, or public health updates, Piktochart provides a versatile platform to address various communication demands in healthcare.
Sign up for a free accountFlexibility in creating healthcare graphics
Enhanced patient engagement and education
By using visually appealing and accessible infographics, healthcare providers can improve patient understanding of medical conditions, treatments, and health guidelines. This enhanced engagement is crucial for effective patient education, leading to better health outcomes and informed decision-making.
Try Piktochart for freeInformation design for Healthcare
Create medical reports and visualize data
Link up an Excel or Google Sheets file to easily create graphs for medical data that automatically update when your data does. Combine various charts into one page to create a professionally-looking health report.
Get started nowInform the public on health and hygiene with social media clips
Turn long videos into small clips resized for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Or use the screen/webcam recording feature within Piktochart. Add automatic subtitles in 60 different languages and customize the videos to your brand to create informative content on healthcare topics.
Create a video for freeStart creating health infographics right away
Join more than 11 million people who already use Piktochart to craft visual stories that stick.