Free AI Summary Generator

Transform your text-heavy content to engaging visuals in seconds. Piktochart AI analyzes your content and extract the key points, allowing you to create professional infographics, newsletters, and more in just a few clicks.

Explore our AI design generator

The fastest way to turn your content to visual with AI

piktochart ai infographic background image

Get Instant, Accurate Summaries

Create visuals from your content with a single click

Tired of sifting through walls of text? Piktochart AI summarizer saves you time and boosts your productivity by delivering clear, accurate visual summaries in seconds.

Whether you’re a student, professional, or content creator, our AI summarizer is your solution for distilling complex text and documents into concise, easy-to-understand visuals. Perfect for academic papers, business reports, news articles, and more.

Start creating for free

Effortless Creation

Generate concise summaries or preserve your original content

You’re in control with Piktochart’s AI summary generator. Easily adjust the summary length to get just the right level of detail. Simply paste your text or upload your document and watch Piktochart AI work its magic to generate visuals customized for you in seconds.

Piktochart AI supports PDF, DOCX, and TXT format, making it versatile for your every need. In addition, our multi-language AI summarizer helps you summarize content in various languages with ease.

You can upload documents for long-form formats, including Infographic (list, comparison, newsletter, chart), Print (brochure), and Document.

Coming soon: Keep your original text intact and preserve the full context of your document. Piktochart AI currently generates multi-page documents up to 8 pages.

Start creating for free

Customizable Design

Take your data visualization to the next level

Easily customize your visuals to match your brand identity and vision. With Piktochart AI’s free library of graphic elements, design components, and color scheme, you can streamline your visuals to your preference. Access millions of free icons and images to enhance your designs, even if you have zero design experience.

Our user-friendly and intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate without any design experience required. Tweak templates and put your finishing touches to make the design uniquely yours.

Start creating

An Essential Tool for Every Industry

NGOs and government persona

Teachers & Educators

  • Summarize lessons, articles, and research papers for better understanding and improved study habits.
  • Make learning more engaging by generating visuals from lengthy lesson plans and textbooks.
  • Simplify complex topics to help students gain a deeper understanding.


  • Visualize key points from lengthy marketing reports, proposals, and analysis to facilitate data-driven decision-making.
  • Create engaging, easy-to-understand visuals for clients, showcasing campaign performance, ROI, and key marketing metrics.
  • Identify emerging trends and forecasting future market movements.
SMEs and enterprises persona

Nonprofits & Healthcare Professionals

  • Visually explain text-heavy content and save time.
  • Inform and educate the public through professional-looking visuals, without the need for design skills.
  • Summarize relevant news and trends without getting bogged down in details.
business owner


  • Transform complex datasets into clear, comprehensible visuals, aiding in the presentation of research findings.
  • Easy sharing and understanding of text-heavy reports.

How to Use AI Summary Generator

1. Select a format to visualize your document

Choose a format that supports AI summary generator–infographic, newsletter, or report. Click on ‘Upload Your Document’ which gives you the option to paste your text or upload a PDF, DOCX, or TXT file. Then, click on the ‘Generate’ button to start visualizing your document. By default, Piktochart AI summarizes your content into a concise visual summary.

Coming soon: Keep your original text intact and preserve the full context of your document.

2. Choose a template that suits your preference

Within moments, Piktochart AI generates a variety of professional-looking templates based on your content. Choose your preferred template as a starting point.

3. Customize your design in Piktochart editor

Personalize your design by adjusting colors, fonts, and layout to match your brand or preferences. With our array of design elements, icons, and images, you can easily enhance the visual appeal of your content.

4. Download and distribute

Once you’re satisfied with the result, you can export your visual in various formats like JPG, PNG, or PDF, making it easy to distribute to your audience.

Ready to use AI to summarize document to concise and informative visuals?

Join more than 11 million people who already design with Piktochart.


With a free Piktochart account, you can upload 5 documents to generate visuals every month. To enable more uploads, consider upgrading to a Pro and Business plan which allows 50 uploads every month.

If you’re pasting your own text content, we recommend you to ensure clear points and paragraphing. Piktochart AI also supports uploading of documents in PDF, DOCX, or TXT format. You have the option to allow our AI summarizer to generate a visual summary, or to preserve your original content as it is (feature coming soon). Either way, Piktochart AI is your solution for distilling complex content into concise visuals.

Yes, you need a free Piktochart account to upload your document. This allows you to upload up to 5 documents every month. Upgrade to Pro or Business to upload 50 documents every month.

Piktochart AI summarizer can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency by transforming lengthy documents into concise, easy-to-understand visual summaries in seconds. Our advanced AI tool ensures that you capture the most relevant information without missing key points, saving you valuable time. You also have the option to preserve your original content as it is and Piktochart AI will generate a visual based on that (feature coming soon). Additionally, Piktochart AI summarizer is versatile enough to handle various types of content, from academic papers to business reports and news articles.

Read our terms of use here.